Shoe Fetish

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Two Feet

Here are a couple of my newest designs. They are going off my main theme but so what? Even divers have to put on shoes occasionally. And why not nice one? If you’re like me I just look at shoes with heels that high and my feet hurt. But they are pretty! So if you want a pair of Manolos, or someother expensive designer label you could go out and blow your last paycheck on one OR just buy one of my shirts! 🙂

Say What’s On Your Mind

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It’s mid-January and you are either looking forward to Valentine’s day or not yet having found that special someone, you can’t wait for it to be over. I’m in that second category. Wherever you fall though, you probably have something to say about it. That’s why I created this design that I call Lip Service. You can add your own words to the bubble on the shirt and really say what you think. It is available in a variety of styles.