I created this photomontage from photographs that I took at Ground Zero in the days after the WTC attacks of 9/11.
It’s hard to believe that almost 10 years have gone by since that awful morning. The photomontage above was selected to be part of “Here is New York : A Democracy of Photographs” an exhibition that was initially set up in a storefront in response to the World Trade Center tragedy. These images were also on exhibit at The New York Historical Society. While no longer a physical exhibition, all the images reside in an online gallery as a visual record of the events of 9/11. My image in the gallery number 7075.
Here is New York is also a part of the September 11 Digital Archive, a consortium organized by the American Social History Project at the City University of New York Graduate Center and the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University in Virginia. The September 11 Digital Archive is the major repository on the Web of digital materials related to the 9/11 attacks.
I created this montage at the time, as a way of expressing my personal anger, disbelief and sorrow at the magnitude of the events of 9/11. Now, years later, I still have trouble understanding how this could happen and I pray that as we remember those lost on 9/11, that we move forward in peace but never forget.