As a scuba diver and inhabitant of this planet I feel very strongly about the need to conserve our oceans resources. The oceans cover 70 percent of the earth’s surface and compose 97 percent of the earth’s water. It is estimated that 80 percent of all life on earth is found under the water. With this in mind, I am introducing Seafriends, a new design series For every design purchased within this group I will donate a portion of the proceeds to two very important ocean conservation causes:
• The Shark Research Institute (SRI), a multi-disciplinary non-profit scientific research organization, was created to sponsor and conduct research and promote public awareness of sharks and their vital role in the marine ecosystem. SRI works to correct misperceptions about sharks and stop the slaughter of 100 million sharks annually.
• Conserve Our Ocean Legacy is a non-profit, non-partisan campaign to build support for ocean and fish protection. Pollution, habitat destruction, mismanagement and overfishing have impoverished our ocean resources, and have caused more than 90% of the world’s large fish, including tuna, swordfish and marlin to disappear from our oceans.
Please visit my shop, be a sea friend and help me make a difference!