Balance and the environment: saving our oceans, one t-shirt at a time

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Life is Balance Protect and Preserve Ocean Environmental design Anyone who knows me, knows that the ocean is my second home (or would be if I already owned my dream home). From the time my father taught me to swim as a little girl, I have always felt comfortable in and around the water. Whether I’m sitting on the beach watching the ocean’s waves roll in and out or immersed in it, not only do I feel at peace, but I feel a connection to something special. When I scuba dive I am a visitor to another world — a world beneath the sea. There is an enormous amount of life under the ocean’s surface. Coral reefs are teaming with life, fish and animals both big and microscopic all living together in a fine balance. Each time I dive, I notice more damage to the reefs and less and less fish life. There are many organizations who dedicate themselves to protecting and preserving our ocean environments and educating divers, fisherman and the general population about ways they can help.

One of my Life is Balance® designs (above) represents our need to protect and preserve our oceans and their inhabitants. I have decided to donate portion of sales from this design to an environmental charity. The question is, which one? I am currently considering two different organizations. Blue Ocean Institute uses science, art, and literature to inspire a closer bond with nature, especially the sea. As an artist and ocean lover, I like this.

Another ocean environmental organization that I am looking at is Oceana Oceana is the largest international advocacy group working solely to protect the world’s oceans. Oceana’s vision is “to make our oceans as rich, healthy and abundant as they once were.” The oceans cover 71 percent of our planet. They control our climate, drive our economies and feed our peoples.
A sentence in particular from their vision statement struck a chord with me:
“For millions of sailors, swimmers and vacationers of all stripes, they offer a refuge from the metal and concrete that encase our working lives.” Now if that’s not what Life is Balance® stands for I don’t know what is!

I’d love for my readers to share their thoughts and opinions about these particular organizations and help me decide which one to contribute to.

Sea Foam

Don't ever take for granted the coming and going of the ocean's tide!

Balance from Head to Toe!

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balance scaleI’m sitting here recuperating from bunion surgery (I had my right foot done last Thursday and am scheduled to have the left one done next Thursday) and trying to decide how to incorporate this latest state of being into a post about balancing life. Right now I feel pretty imbalanced –bot literally and metaphorically. I have this very attractive (not!) cane which I walk with to keep me from putting too much weight on my right foot. Definitely not in balance! But next week I’m due to have the other foot done so, eventually (in about 7 weeks) I will be back in balance – literally!

I’ve been using my downtime productively. I’ve been feverishly been working on getting all of my Life is Balance® designs ready to be uploaded to my website and ready for purchase. Looking up keywords, cropping photos, writing descriptions and designing labels and hang tags. I’ve also opened an Etsy Shop as well.

In addition, I’ve joined a terrific group of creative and talented women on Martha Stewart’s Dreamers into Doers website. I am amazed by how much everyone on that site wants to help out everyone else. So I think that I am going to use this blog post to share a little love with some of those talented women that I am starting to get to know. Here are a sampling of some of my favorites. I’ve selected a few cool jewelry shops to feature in this post (my weakness – I confess!).

Sundance Good Luck Elephant Wrap Bracelet

I love the colors in this bracelet!

I love the wrap bracelets from The Lucky Elephant’s Shop on Etsy. An elephant with it’s trunk being raised up is considered to bring good luck and an excellent fortune and to have the magical power to take away troubles. Who couldn’t use one? I can’t wait to order one for myself!

Key To My Heart Necklace

I just love the vintage key and heart combination and the ribbon woven through the chain makes this very unique!

The above Key To My Heart Necklace comes from another shop called Nostalgic Summer. Being a summer/beach lover myself, I can’t help but love the concept of this shop! Shop owner, Renee Dittrich takes vintage artifacts and repurposes them for a modern use. Already I am dreaming of summer… past, present and future!

Lauren Chunky Pearl Necklace

A fabulous statement necklace!

Here’s another vintage jewelry collection from LV Vintage Jewelry. Lindsey’s designs are inspired by vintage fashion — and her three grandmothers! Check out all of her unique pieces.

With Mother’s Day around the corner, why not stop by some of these shops and check out their terrific designs! Oh, did I mention that my birthday’s coming up at the end of the month (LOL)!


Balance Your Life with Yoga

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Yoga pose at sunset with Life is Balance yoga logo

When was the last time that you could shut away all the problems and stress from your daily life for an hour or so, and spend some quality time with just yourself? I usually do this at least twice a week during my yoga class. I’ve been feeling under the weather for the past week and a half with a late winter cold and have not been able to get to my yoga class. I am definitely feeling off balance. There is something about yoga that feeds both my mind and body. Without it, I feel under-nourished.

I read an interesting article by Robert Steven Williams today about balance and yoga that I think is worth reading. If our physical bodies are not in balance how can we expect the rest of our being to be, and vice versa.

I started taking yoga classes at the gym a couple of years ago. I can coax my body into many poses that I never would have thought possible, and there are even more that I still can’t. The one thing that I have learned through my yoga practice is patience. My body will tell me when it is ready for a new pose and how far I can push it. Listen to your body, Surya my yoga teacher tells me. It’s ok if I can’t do what the person next to me is doing. The fact that I am present and in the moment is all that counts. While I still cannot do a handstand or a headstand (more from fear I think than anything else), I almost did a side crow during my last class! The sense of accomplishment that I feel when I am able to achieve a pose that I have been working on is great but the feeling of peace and balance that I feel after each yoga class is the real payoff.

Surya my yoga instructor wearing a Life is Balance T-shirt

Surya, my yoga instructor wearing a Life is Balance yoga t-shirt

If you are new to yoga, don’t be afraid to take your first class. There are different styles of yoga classes for students of all levels. Most instructors will give variations on poses depending on a student’s skill level. Try out a few to decide which style is for you. I practice more of a Vinyasa, or flow-style. Some of the other yoga styles are Iyengar, Ananda, Anusara, Ashtanga, Bikram, Integral, Kali Ray TriYoga, Kripalu, Kundalini, Sivananda, Svaroopa Yoga and Viniyoga. There are some good descriptions of these different styles of yoga at and at The Yoga Site.

I can’t wait till my cold and cough is gone and I can once again get my life in balance through yoga.