September 19 is “Talk Like a Pirate Day.” What is this fascination that we all have with Pirates? Is it the secret desire we all have to throw caution to the wind, leave our safe, steady lives, our 9-5 desk jobs and the monotony of doing the right thing to run off to the high seas and throw caution to the wind? Or maybe we just want to trade in our business suits, if only for one day, for the garb of a swashbuckling pirate or a saucy wench. Of course you just might want to grab one of our pirate t-shirts…
These designs are available in both of my online shops: in the Scuba section of Wear My Art Tees! as well as in the Pirate section of my Zazzle shop
You might also like to check out the official site for Talk Like A Pirate Day.
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