It’s been Four Mother’s Days Since you’re Gone…

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It’s now four Mother’s Days since you left us mom. It doesn’t get any easier waking up and knowing that when I visit, you’ll be sleeping under the ground and not sitting in your chair waiting for me. But I still feel that you know I am coming and are waiting for me. The evidence (or what I choose to take as evidence) are the pennies you left for me… one yesterday to remind me and the one I found today as I waited in the rain for the bus. I know that last one was a thank you for braving the rain to make my way up to Valhalla for our annual visit.

And yes, in case you are wondering, I am dressed warm enough. I have my warm winter coat on along with my rubber rain boots and umbrella. I haven’t brought flowers but I did bring stones from my garden (where I did plant a bunch of flowers yesterday) to leave at your foot stone and also dad’s and grandma and grandpa’s.

When I get there I will try to catch you up on what I’ve been up to this year– although I’m sure you already know. I won’t stay long, it’s pouring rain down here you see and I know you wouldn’t want me to “catch cold.” I’ll just stay long enough to tell you that I love you and miss you every day.

Happy Mother’s Day, mom. I love you.

Mom and me.