During the Covid-19 Pandemic, I’ve had a lot of time to spend on my own. Rather than stay alone in my apartment, I’ve chosen to tak long walks with my camera exploring. Central Park has provided me with a wealth of photographic opportunity and a little bit of normal in an otherwise abnormal world. Before the Pandemic, I thought I knew the park pretty well, but during my walks I have discovered paths and places I’ve never been to before. I’ve traversed the park at all times of day, each time discovering new favorite spots to return to at different times of day.

My photographic journeys have taken me to the Conservatory Gardens where I’ve watched the variety of flowers and plants change over the weeks, and to the North Woods, where I’ve discovered the brooks and trails that are home to an abundance of wildlife – if you stop to look and listen. I close my eyes and, hearing only the sounds of the birds and running water, I imagine that I am somewhere else – out of the city. The Ramble has also provided great photographic subject matter. Peeking out from the rambling wooded paths you can see the Central Park lake and the iconic NYC landmarks in the background.

Each time I venture into the park, a new adventure awaits. This past Saturday, I spent an hour with a brilliant red Cardinal and a BlueJay who both seemed willing models for the afternoon (maybe it was the pumpkin seeds I brought along as payment). Another day I was lucky to witness a family of Canadian Geese at the pond along the south eastern end of the park. The goslings were beyond cute (and very photogenic).
Central Park has been good for my soul during this pandemic. Without having a car, I have been unable to leave the city. Through my walks in the park however, I’ve been able to escape into nature right here in the middle of NYC. Walking in the park has not only lifted my mood and helped me improve my photography, but it has increased my daily step count as well – an added bonus!
I will continue to update this blog with the photos that I have been taking over the last 4 months. Watch as the seasons change and come explore with me!