How Self-Care Can Coexist With Fitness

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We all want a fitter lifestyle. But it may seem like a fitness routine comes at the expense of other forms of self-care. That doesn’t have to be the case. Self-care is more than a buzzword, and it doesn’t have to be time-consuming.

Strengthen Your Diet

Between life’s commitments and working out, it may not feel like there is enough time to practice healthier eating. But it is such an essential element of broad self-care, and, thankfully, there are options. A meal delivery or grocery service is one that could give you absolute control over your diet without any of the hassle that can sometimes come with wellness-focused nutrition.

You can increase convenience and save time when you use kitchen appliances like a pressure cooker or slow cooker. These handy kitchen tools can turn out a meal while you’re at work or in just 20 minutes. Take Sunday night to prep meals for the week and you’ll find that cooking healthy is a breeze. Recipes like chicken tacos, turmeric lentil soup, and even oatmeal can be prepped ahead of time so you can just throw stuff in the pot when you’re ready to eat.

Use a Schedule

There are only so many things that we can fit into a tight week. It can seem overwhelming as you try to stick to commitments or make new ones. Building a schedule is one solution that could restore balance. It could be a calendar or a list of tasks and activities to pursue daily or weekly. Whatever you add, strive to stick to it. Your schedule does not have to be limited to major goals. Whether your goals are big or small, they add up to make a tapestry of wellness.

Ask yourself what your priorities are when it comes to self-care. What is being overlooked? Are you doing yoga or meditation? If not, find a way to fit it in. Take a weekend break with loved ones or by yourself. Deal with the basics of self-care, as well as the chores that sometimes fall by the wayside as we deal with more pressing matters.

Harness Rest

Pursuing a fitter lifestyle is an enduring commitment, but without having rest days, it may not be tenable over the long term. It might not be an easy thing to do, but try to allow yourself to unwind. Don’t feel guilty that you are not doing something “productive”—focusing on your health and well-being is productive! Spend a day relaxing instead of worrying. Do you have a favorite show you haven’t been able to keep up with lately? How long has it been since you took a long bath? A crucial aspect of mastering self-care is learning how to embrace the stillness of the day. Let your body recharge and recover. You might practice meditation to aid in this. Find a peaceful part of your home and turn it into a space conducive to mindfulness and relaxation. Make use of candles, ambient lighting, and plenty of plants to purify the air. Meditation does not have to be time-consuming or intense. Even 10 minutes can be emotionally restorative and help you reduce stress.


A good night’s rest can be easily overlooked aspect of self-care. Sleep helps both body and mind to recover and replenish. Not getting enough sleep can adversely affect physical and mental health. Of course, getting that sleep is easier said than done.

Think about your nightly routine. Do you spend time in bed watching a show or scrolling through social media? If so, that could be a factor in restless nights. Tech emits light that can influence the body’s internal clock and can be just as disruptive as stimulants like caffeine. Do you go to bed at irregular hours or sleep in? That, too, can be an obstacle to a restful night, so keep to a consistent schedule. Lastly, cultivate an environment that supports deep sleep. Blackout curtains can prevent unhelpful light from seeping into the room, while lowering your bedroom’s  temperature can help you sleep through the night.

Finding balance may take time. Self-care is hugely important and can be the perfect foundation to your fitness goals. Remember, your efforts can lead not only to a healthier state, but to a happier you.

Guest Contributor:Sheila Olson created to share her fitness philosophy with others. She believes the best way to achieve physical fitness and good health is to set and tackle small goals

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